Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meal Plan, week of 9/5

Yes, I know it's Wednesday. Late, late, late to start meal planning. Actually, I just want to take a moment to write down what's in my head.

A few notes:

  • I missed posting a meal plan last week due to a stomach bug that I couldn't shake. Nausea does not work well with meal planning. Mostly, we just limped along with feeding the girls out of the pantry and me living off of scrambled eggs and crackers - the only thing my body seemed to want.
  • the fires, y'all. Da-yum. 
  • our a/c is out. Thankfully, it hasn't been super duper hot lately (hooray!) but I still don't want to fire up the oven if I can help it.
  • before the a/c went out, I made some vegan, oil-free, ww chocolate zucchini muffins. The taste was okay but they were "sticky," kwim? Anyone care to weigh in on that? Maybe underbaked? I was afraid that sans oil, they'd dry out to much and I may have jumped the gun. Still, the girls ate a half dozen mini muffins either not long after I pulled them out of the oven.
  • in some really good news, we start our CSA today (farm share). So you may see some generic reference to "vegetables" below. I did get a list yesterday of this week's offerings, and I'll say this much, I'ma try roasting okra. Yes, I wrinkle my nose too but everyone seems to swear by it. We'll see...

This week's plan:
Monday:  was a wash. Labor Day. Not as fun as I had anticipated since we spent the day hanging hooks and room-darkening curtains and following the wildfires news - wondering if we just might need to decide what to take with us in an evacuation. We also began to notice that the a/c was out...

Tuesday: I bought these (note: I did not purchase these at WF, but at Wheatsville Coop; WF just came up in my search for a picture). Last week my vegan friend Claire had a baby, I volunteered to bring supplies from the store, and these were requested. They were also on sale so it seemed a great idea to try them out because I lust after their apple/sage sausages. So, last night I grilled them along with ears of fresh corn and served them on ww buns with fixin's and a salad on the side. David and I both agreed - two thumbs up. If I can keep these on hand, we definitely prefer them to Smart Dogs. The texture makes the difference.

Wednesday:  That's today. I'm pretty sure we're having tacos. One of the things we did last weekend is go through our pantry and clean out, make note of what we have in there. I discovered some unopened organic blue corn taco shells and I've been meaning to try lentil tacos, so...there you have it. I also happen to know that I have two very ready-to-be-eaten avocadoes just waiting to be sliced and diced. We are also trying a new Roasted Roma Salsa from Texas Texas that I picked up at Central Market.

Thursday: Chickpea patties. Yes, those patties, the ones from Veganomicon. Everyone loves them and I've never made them, so it's time. Served with "vegetables" from CSA on the side.

Friday: We've got family in (for a funeral, rather than for celebratory reasons). My dad loves simple meals and I've got frozen limas in the freezer, so I'm planning to make maple cornbread muffins (using the last of the fresh roasted corn) and a pot of seasoned limas. Served with fruit and salad. voila, the simple meal.

Saturday and Sunday: Plans are up in the air due to houseguests and schedules. I imagine we'll eat out at least once and I'll see what I can do with the rest of that CSA box (roasted okra, anyone?).

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